Life - Cycle and recycle

A first expo experience

Moments filled with awe and inspiration. And joy. To have a first artwork displayed alongside so many talented artists was maybe a dream came true, as my baby steps on this new path guided me here, next to a bunch of Turkish artisans gathered in London to tell the story of their roots in various shapes and forms.

Miniaturists, avant-garde artists, realist painters, photographers and many more displayed their work, creating a vibrant atmosphere that could fill our hearts and even overflow on the nearby streets and alleys.

(Well, I do have pictures of all these, but let me enjoy my moment and focus on my piece, for now - I migth do the oversharing later.)

Meaning of this all

All elements on the canvas represent different stages of life, from birth to death and beyond. “Life” in itself is a constant act of “cycling and recycling“. Man becomes selfish while living but his end, certainly yet most times unwillingly, is always selfless - he steps down and his spot in this world is taken by another soul, ready to experience the beauty and toughness of this test called living.

As a symbol of life, pomegranates and their seeds are at the center of the canvas, and the water lilies - flowers that clean muddy waters and beautify their surroundings - are first one, then two, then none. Life.

Artwork was part of the 6th Turkish Community Art Exhibition by Yunus Emre Institute London