Life - Cycle and Recycle
All elements on the canvas represent different stages of life, from birth to death and beyond. “Life” in itself is a constant act of “cycling and recycling“. Man becomes selfish while living but his end, certainly yet most times unwillingly, is always selfless - he steps down and his spot in this world is taken by another soul, ready to experience the beauty and toughness of this test called living.
As a symbol of life, pomegranates and their seeds are at the center of the canvas, and the water lilies - flowers that clean muddy waters and beautify their surroundings - are first one, then two, then none. Life.
Artwork was part of the 6th Turkish Community Art Exhibition by Yunus Emre Institute London
All elements on the canvas represent different stages of life, from birth to death and beyond. “Life” in itself is a constant act of “cycling and recycling“. Man becomes selfish while living but his end, certainly yet most times unwillingly, is always selfless - he steps down and his spot in this world is taken by another soul, ready to experience the beauty and toughness of this test called living.
As a symbol of life, pomegranates and their seeds are at the center of the canvas, and the water lilies - flowers that clean muddy waters and beautify their surroundings - are first one, then two, then none. Life.
Artwork was part of the 6th Turkish Community Art Exhibition by Yunus Emre Institute London
All elements on the canvas represent different stages of life, from birth to death and beyond. “Life” in itself is a constant act of “cycling and recycling“. Man becomes selfish while living but his end, certainly yet most times unwillingly, is always selfless - he steps down and his spot in this world is taken by another soul, ready to experience the beauty and toughness of this test called living.
As a symbol of life, pomegranates and their seeds are at the center of the canvas, and the water lilies - flowers that clean muddy waters and beautify their surroundings - are first one, then two, then none. Life.
Artwork was part of the 6th Turkish Community Art Exhibition by Yunus Emre Institute London